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Qualitative Market Research & In-Depth Interviews

Gather Rich, Qualitative Feedback From Customers, Prospects & Employees GET STARTED

In-Depth Interview Services

Qualitative, Probing, One-On-One Interviews

Our expert customer interviewers are adept at navigating semi-structured discussions to dig and uncover detailed insights well beyond surface level feedback.

This, combined robust thematic analysis, enable us to deliver key takeaways and specific recommendations based on the sentiment, expectations, and perceptions uncovered.

  1. Our Advantages

    Qualitative Market Research

    EXCEPTIONAL Service Experts in IDI Design & Execution

    Skilled, Experienced Interviewers

    Unbiased Analysis & Interpretation

    Detailed Insights & RecommendationsQuantifiable ROI

Capitalize on IDI Research
Gain comprehensive insights into what your customers and employees want.

Our Customer Interview Process

Trustworthy, Actionable & Impactful

Our extensive experience running qualitative, semi-structured interview programs ensures that the project will be flawlessly executed and will reveal robust, candid insights you can trust to guide important strategic decisions.

We start each engagement with a thorough discovery phase to ensure we are in alignment on your objectives and expectations. Throughout the process, our expert consultants will provide real-time reporting so you always have visibility into how the program is progressing. The open dialogue and collaboration we establish with you will ensure that the rich feedback we are collecting will prove extremely valuable for your business.

  1. Discovery

    2 to 3 weeks

    Interviews with internal stakeholders to solicit input and align on objectivesSatrix Solutions to review data, collateral, and other materials so we are well informedDevelopment of the topics and questions that will guide the interviewsEstablish the protocol to determine which contacts will be targeted for interview

  2. Interviews

    2 to 4 weeks

    Create compelling communication to maximize participationInvite targeted contacts to participate in the researchSatrix consultants conduct the interviews to gather the most actionable feedbackReal-time reporting is shared to provide visibility for key stakeholders

  3. Reporting

    2 to 4 weeks

    Individual interview reports delivered with an executive summary and complete transcript Detailed analysis prepared at agreed upon timeline with prominent themes, drivers & recommendations Robust competitive intelligence insights with feedback that can be used for competitive battlecards Exhaustive coding, key quotes ,and mini case studies to support our findings

  4. Presentation of Findings

    1 to 2 weeks

    Our objective findings and actionable insights presented to leadership

    Key findings are also socialized with relevant teams to drive action Recommendations supported by thematic analysis, key quotes, case studies, etc.
    Executive summary reporting made available for the Board & all staff

  5. Regular Touchpoints


    Garner buy-in across the team Share real-time results and insights Gather feedback on reporting delivered; refine as needed Discuss best practices, answer questions, offer guidance Ongoing collaboration to maximize ROI

Our Case Studies

Trusted Partnerships With Proven ROI

Satrix Solutions' clients have experienced quantifiable ROI with our in-depth interview programs. By routinely garnering above-average participation rates and offering contacts a "safe place" to share candid feedback with a 3rd party, we're able to deliver more accurate and comprehensive insights to our clients. Our clients leverage the extensive feedback we collect from our qualitative research projects to eliminate potential gaps and strengthen their competitive advantages. 

Higher Sales Win Rates

Uncover how Cority achieved higher sales win rates by maximizing qualitative in-depth interviews.

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Leading NPS®

Find out the secrets WEX used to become an industry leader in NPS® by capitalizing on qualitative in-depth interviews.

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45% Revenue Increase

Discover how IHS Markit, now S&P Global increased its revenue by 45% by leveraging qualitative in-depth interviews.

Read Study
Understand the Why
Gain insights into the thoughts of your customers and employees.

Market Research Capabilities

Customer Experience & Employee Engagement Services

At Satrix Solutions, we take a comprehensive lifecycle approach to enhance customer, prospect, and employee experiences, utilizing qualitative in-depth interviews (IDIs) and qualitative feedback. Serving as an expert 3rd party enables us to probe and deeply understand how each contact feels and what they feel could be improved.

Qualitative IDI Resources

Thought Leadership & Expertise

We offer an excellent collection of best practices, tips, and guidebooks on CX and EX strategy — all crafted to help get ahead in today's competitive market.

All About IDIs

Learn all there is to know about IDIs from our experts.

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Tips For Interviews

Find tips and tricks for qualitative in-depth interviews.

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The Benefits Of IDIs

Explore the advantages of using qualitative in-depth interviews in research.

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