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Unleash the Power of Customer Feedback

evaluating customer feedback programs

We’ve written a lot about the benefits of having deep engagements with your clients. Well, we certainly strive to practice what we preach. The ongoing discussions we’ve had with our clients about the value of customer informed decision-making has led to Satrix Solutions being brought in on some interesting projects. Here are just a few:

Listening to Employees:

Several of our clients already conduct employee satisfaction surveys as a way to enhance employee engagement, culture and employee retention. With the rapid adoption of Net Promoter Score® to assess the loyalty of clients, many companies are now considering Employee Net Promoter Score (or eNPS) as a way to measure employee loyalty.  One of our clients is also undertaking a project to survey employees on how to improve internal applications used to service clients. By engaging with employees, you’ll be able to spot and address pain-points that are inhibiting their ability to provide an exceptional service experience while at the same time proving you truly value their opinions. Remember, happy employees lead to satisfied clients.

Product Development:

Launching a new product into the market can be a daunting task. We’re helping one client gather the feedback needed from different target markets, which in turn will inform the development of the new product. The insight captured will help ensure time and money is not wasted on features and functionality customers don’t need.

Acquisition Strategy:

Minimizing attrition and maximizing the value of an acquisition is an important goal for executives. The work we’re doing for one client is focused on obtaining a comprehensive view of the customer relationships acquired. Providing them with a complete picture of customer sentiment, perceptions and expectations will help to uncover any issues that could potentially lead to defection and reduce the value of the newly acquired asset.

Refine Marketing Message:

One of the many benefits of a Customer Advisory Board (CAB) meeting is testing new messages on key constituents. It’s very gratifying to see client feedback from a CAB meeting lead directly to the launch of a new marketing campaign for one of our clients. Testing ideas beforehand ensures that the message you want to convey resonates with your target audience.

As you can see, there are many layers to formal feedback programs. How will you unleash the power of customer feedback to enhance operational performance?